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Frequently asked questions about LED Lights

What is “solid state” lighting?

The term “solid state” lighting can be used to refer to the way LED lighting produces light. The process is fundamentally different than incandescent and florescent lighting. This term applies to the fact that inside LED strip lights, for example, every light emitting diode includes a semiconductor block that does the actual work of producing light. It has no moving or vibrating parts of any sort. In contrast, incandescent and florescent lights push current through another element, either a filament in the former or mercury vapor in the later, to excite the electrons and cause light to be emitted. Because the filament and the mercury gas actually vibrate when producing light, neither of these lights can be said to employ a solid-state process. Being solid-state makes LEDs more durable and increases their lifetime. The component that produces light is not put through the same amount of stress to create light as parts of incandescent and florescent lights. These benefits are some of the many that stem from the technological and functional differences in how LEDs create light.